Meet Our
Ministry Team

Senior Pastor
Doug Croucher
Pastor Doug Croucher has served the church for decades and has been called to the role of senior pastor since 2011. One of his biggest joys in ministry is forming relationships as he points people to Christ.
pastordoug@concordiachurch.org | ext. 101

Associate Pastor
Joe Reineke
Pastor Joe Reineke has served Concordia since 2022. He especially enjoys the tasks of preaching and teaching and strives to explain the Gospel of Christ in ways that are relevant to people in their daily life.
pastorjoe@concordiachurch.org | ext. 109

School Principal
Mike Rosin
Mike has served faithfully as the principal of Concordia School for over ten years. The biggest strength that Mike brings to Concordia is that in all things he seeks to point people to Jesus.
mrosin@clscubs.org | ext. 213

Director of Congregational Health
Amy Kaschinske
Amy truly has a passion for people. Regardless of how life might shake you, Amy is here to help you find healing, both physical and spiritual, in the Gospel.
akaschinske@concordiachurch.org | ext. 107

Director of Youth Ministry
Micah Rauch
Youth Ministry runs through Micah's blood. While he loves teaching 5th graders all sorts of subjects, he loves even more teaching kids about Christ. Oh, and he enjoys having fun too.
mrauch@clscubs.org | ext. 442

Director of Children's Ministry
Langleigh Cummins
As a mother herself, Langleigh knows how important it is to teach kids about Jesus from a young age. Whether its during Sunday School or VBS, Langleigh excels at always bringing Christ to the forefront in kids' lives!
lcummins@concordiachurch.org | ext. 129

Assistant Pastor
Steve Ahlersmeyer
Steve is an incredible blessing not only to Concordia, but to the broader church as well. He is called by Concordia and serves full time at the Lutheran Foundation.

Director of Worship and Music
Tavis Schlicker
Music is one of the greatest gifts God has given us, and Tavis excels in showing just how beautiful a gift music can be!
tschlicker@concordiachurch.org | ext. 173

Josh Gerken
Part of the process to becoming a pastor in the LCMS is that one serves for a year as a vicar, which is essentially an internship for pastors. We welcome Josh to the Concordia family as he serves and learns this year!
jgerken@concordiachurch.org | ext. 103